I have a fail ticket on my equipment.
This means it failed the testing process and is not safe to use. It must be removed from service until it is repaired. If it is unable to be repaired it should be replaced.
I have purchased new electrical equipment.
Contact All Test & Tag to have us conduct a test.
What if the test tag fades or falls off?
All Test and tag only uses heavy duty tags that will not fade and it is very rare for a heavy duty tag to fall off, however if this happens remove it from service contact us to re test and tag your equipment.
I cannot find my reports
Contact All Test & Tag to have the copies provided to you; we provide backups of your test and tag data should you lose your copies.
Do I have to remember when I need to test my appliances?
It is up to you to keep your electrical appliances up to date with testing. All you have to do is look at the Tag’s dates. However All Test and tag will set up a testing schedule of all you appliances and we will contact you prior to your due date and set up a time and location for us to test and tag your equipment to keep you up to date.
Check your records to confirm that all testing has been done in accordance with the required dates and that new equipment has been tested.
What is test and tag?
Test and tag is the procedure for the safety checking of electrical appliances. Workplaces in NSW must be able to demonstrate safe systems of work, including electrical safety. Portable appliances including power tools, extension leads and vacuum cleaners are items that are frequently handled by workers, and are open to abuse and hostile environmental conditions which can cause them to become electrically unsafe.
Test and Tag is a strategy which minimises the risk of electrical shock to workers and demonstrates you have met your duty of care responsibilities. Each piece of equipment is inspected, electrically tested, and then tagged (labelled) at regular intervals. A record of these tests is kept as part of your overall OH&S risk management documentation.
Do I need to have my appliances tested and tagged?
It is every employer’s obligation under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 to ensure that they provide a safe place of work for their employees. This includes ensuring that the risk of electric shock from portable electrical equipment and appliances is minimised. There are hefty penalties for employers and all levels of management where inadequate safety leads to the injury or death of a worker. In NSW, sections 64 and 65 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001 specify the obligations of employers in relation to electrical safety. Electrical testing and tagging forms a part of your workplace risk management system. All test and tag strictly follows the AS/NZ 3760 standards.
What are your hours of operation?
All Test & Tag are on call to service you whenever you require and we will do our upmost to ensure we can meet your scheduling needs. We offer a 24 hour service to help you meet your specific needs if required.
What does the inspection and testing involve?
Our qualified test and tag technicians come to your workplace at a time that is convenient for you.
Each appliance is disconnected from the power and then visually inspected. This includes examining the plug, the flexible cord and the cord strain reliefs. Depending on the type of appliance, we then use electrical testing instruments to test for invisible flaws such as broken earth connection or flawed insulation. Once the appliance passes the tests, a record is made in the Appliance Test Log database and a coloured tag bearing information about the date of testing is affixed to the cord.
After the completion of testing at your workplace, we will issue you with a copy of the Appliance Test Log for your OHS Risk Management records.
How long does it take to test and tag?
The time taken to test each device is different. As rough guide, we find that 20 to 25 appliances can be properly tested by one technician in one hour.
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